The Lieslands

simply livin' it up

Susan’s First Day of School

19 years(?) after she finished her Master’s degree at Xavier, Susan is headed back to school! She is going to take a few additional classes at Drake to tag on to her existing Master’s so she can become a license mental health counselor. It should take a little longer than a year for the school portion. Go Susan!

Cross Country Dinner

We hosted the Valley Cross Country team for dinner this evening. A team dinner is a standard occurrence the day before a meet, but this week the meet is canceled because of the heat, which is also why everything is set up inside.

First Day of School 2024

Andrew Leaves for College

Andrew left for college this morning. It was his first time driving himself. His goal is to make it to school mid-afternoon so he and his friends can head into the mountains for a couple of days.

Liesland and Reagen Boys

One last hurrah before Andrew and Ian leave for college.

Andrew’s Last Day at the Pelican Post

Taking Mari to College

Over the past few days we moved Mari into college. She moved in Wednesday, we said goodbye on Thursday, then we stayed in Cincinnati for a couple of days sans kids.

Setting up.
Mari and her roommate.
All set.
Susan and Mari
Opening Mass, with Fr. Eric (my friend and college housemate)
Susan and I went kayaking
Susan wanted her picture take with Mr. Redlegs. She is a big Reds fan.
After dinner at Dewey’s we went to Jim and Jack’s for some country music.

State Fair

We attended the Iowa State Fair this year on the first day because Rose was performing with her tumbling troup. That was fun and it was another fun day at the fair.

Little Hands on the Farm
They like to climb on the concrete animals.
Rose on a Rhino
We went to Snakes Alive! this year for the first time.
Andrew joined us for the evening.
Cotton Candy is a must.
Andrew ate some Iowa sushi.
Lucia and Rose had their picture taken with some county fair queens.

Elliot Senior Pictures

Elliot and Cam had their senior pictures together. Susan and Elliot had to scramble to find just the right outfits and I think it all worked out.

Mar-Mar and BeBob 50th Wedding Anniversary

We just got back from a quick trip to Cincinnati for Mar-Mar and BeBob’s 50th wedding anniversary! We hosted a party at Holly’s house and invited extended family and my parents’ friends from throughout the years. It was a fun day and great to see so many people.

The Hyland Clan
Some cousins
Susan and Rob
Mar-Mar and BeBob

Gary and Kathie Move

Gary and Kathie moved over the weekend and the entire family was on hand to help during various phases of the move. Their new place is closer to our house and just a couple of miles down the bike trail.

Hope Mountain VBS

Lucia and Rose attended Hope Mountain VBS last week. Susan served as a shepherd for Lucia’s class. Elliot and Cameron volunteered during a different session, working in the gym with the younger kids.