The Lieslands

simply livin' it up


Nothing caps off a sweltering summer day like a visit to Snookies. Ian and Hope work there, too, though only Ian was working this evening.

Google decides the placement for these, and I usually just roll with it.

Farm Sunset

We were at a friend’s farm this evening for their annual Independence Day party. It was a weird weather evening, but the shape of the storms made for a beautiful sunset.

4th of July Fun

Parking garage sparklers as we wait for Yankee Doodle Pops.
Hope and Elliot
Pool time on the 4th.
Sparkler time as we wait for the Reagen fireworks in our neighborhood.

Sun Valley Lake 2024

This weekend we made our annual trip to a lake with the Liess clan. A good time was had by all.

Hope and Mari
Lake Lounging
Des Moines Cousins
Susan and Rob
Lucia and Rose
Kathie and Gary
Liess Clan
Kathie, Gary, and the grandkids
Kathie, Gary, Susan, Erin, and Mary
Kathie being silly.
The Lieslands
Lucia and Rose
Rose and Lucia
Kathie in the hammock chair
Susan and Mary
The ladies

Birthday Week

This past week Mari and I celebrated our birthdays, with small parties on our birthdays and a bigger family party on the weekend.

Mari’s birthday dinner at Texas Roadhouse.
Who is inside and who is outside?
My birthday, hanging out around the firepit.
Pool volleyball at the larger family party.

Friday Fun

Girls Pool Party
Trying on some of Papa’s old clothes.
Rose got her ears pierced and Lucia got her right ear pierced, again.

Father’s Day

For Father’s Day today Lucia, Rose and I enjoyed a very hot bike ride to Dairy Queen then did some light grilling on our “new” grill scavenged from our neighbor’s garbage. At least once or twice a summer we do te bike ride to Dairy Queen – about 4 miles each way.

Pool Time!

A few pool shots from the past week.

categories: Categoriespool

Driveway Basketball


As an add-on for Rose’s birthday, we went to Adventureland. It was Lucia and Rose’s first time going there and the first time they had been to an amusement park for a couple of years. They had a blast on the rides and with their friends.

I think they went on the swings more than any other ride, but their favorite rides were the roller coasters.

Happy Birthday, Rose!

Rose turned 9 today and we had a traditional family party this evening. Walking Tacos is the dinner of choice for Rose’s birthday and her cake this year was a Twix cake – she doesn’t always like traditional cake.

Mari Graduated High School

Walking across the stage