The Lieslands

simply livin' it up

The Birth Day

I think yesterday was one of the longest days of our lives. Rose was born very early in the morning, so we did not even go to bed last night. She was born at 2:39 and the initial welcoming took a couple more hours. I think the midwife, Kari, left at around 5:30 am. Our adrenaline was still going strong at this point, so we were able to function pretty well.

Rose came into the world a fairly peaceful being, and that continued throughout the day. She would cry out occasionally, but was quickly soothed, usually by Susan. She nursed most of the day, and when she wasn’t nursing she was usually asleep.

All of the kids were excited to see her in the morning and had a turn holding her. We spent a lot of time just hanging out in the bedroom, adjusting to the new Liesland clan.

The morning is a bit of a blur for me. I pretty much crashed from about 8 until noon. I have never done well with a lack of sleep and I think the stress and anxiety from the previous couple of days finally caught up with me. I was nauseous and needed a couple of naps to get me back on track, and even then I was not moving very fast.

Luckily Erin was able to come over in the morning and help out, to keep things running smoothly. She brought some food and then took the kids on some errands and to the park. Susan and Rose rested.

In the afternoon Erin took all of the kids to the park to meet the Reagens at another park, where they played for a while before coming back to our house for all of the Reagens to meet Rose.

Mimi and Papa came over to make dinner and sing happy birthday to Rose for the first time, then it was time for some relaxation, and bed.

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