The Lieslands

simply livin' it up

Ruben Update

Ruben continues to be a dog amongst dogs. He is a good boy – most of the time. He is getting more comfortable in our environment. When there is a lot of excitement he sometimes gets too wound up. He has also been rebelling against our walks, sometimes refusing to move. Susan suggested last night that it may have to do with the heat, and it seems like there might be something to that. In general, Ruben does not like the heat. When it is hot and sunny he moves from one shady spot to another in our back yard.

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2 Replies to “Ruben Update”

  1. What a cutie ! U were due so a good one. As far as heat, he ain’t seen nothing yet. He’ll have to be hosed down often this summer. That’s what we did to keep Bailey cool !

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