The Lieslands

simply livin' it up

Cincinnati Visit

Last week we went to Cincinnati to see the family and work.

Monday: We drove to Cinti. Rose did awesome and totally rocked it – 9:15.
Tuesday: I went to work, Susan and the kids went to the art museum.
Wednesday: Everyone had a snow day, but I went in to work. The Donleys and Beinkempers came to Mar-Mar and Be-Bob’s for some sledding. For dinner we went to the Herrels’.
Thursday: I went to work. Susan and the kids went to the aquarium. We had dinner at Skyline with the Romans, but Susan stayed home with Rose and Lu because Lucia was not feeling well.
Friday: I took the day off and Susan went to observe at the Cincinnati Waldorf School preschool. In the evening many Hyland and Appels came to Mar-Mar and Be-Bob’s for dinner.
Saturday: Drove home. Rose rocked it again – 8:55. Good to be home. We actually took Mari to the Dr right when we got home because a rash she had was not looking good. Turned out to be OK. 🙂

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One Reply to “Cincinnati Visit”

  1. I’m impressed your able to work on vacation. I just tried to do that and I just wanted to be with the family all day and couldn’t focus on work.

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