4th of July Fun

Parking garage sparklers as we wait for Yankee Doodle Pops.
Hope and Elliot
Pool time on the 4th.
Sparkler time as we wait for the Reagen fireworks in our neighborhood.

Father’s Day

For Father’s Day today Lucia, Rose and I enjoyed a very hot bike ride to Dairy Queen then did some light grilling on our “new” grill scavenged from our neighbor’s garbage. At least once or twice a summer we do te bike ride to Dairy Queen – about 4 miles each way.

Easter 2024

  • Easter Eve church at Hope
  • Easter Eve dinner at Cheesecake Factory
  • Easter Basket Hunt
  • Easter Egg Hunt
  • Easter dinner with the Reagens and Liesses
  • Easter whiffle ball game

House on the Haunted Hill: A NYE Tradition

Every year the Reagen and Liesland men play Haunted House on the Hill after midnight.

We are halfway through the game at this point and The Haunt has started. Cameron is the bad guy and is off reading his updated rules for The Haunt. The five of us remaining at the table must figure out how to make it out of the house alive.

Christmas Eve

For traditional Christmas Eve Mass we attended St. Francis with Mimi and Papa and the Reagens. Andrew and Nate were both missing because they weren’t feeling well.

The cousins in attendance.
The cousins with Mimi and Papa.
Andrew joined us for a family picture.
Christmas Eve woudn’t be complete wihout our annual drive through Santa’s Rockin’ Lights at Living History Farms. We call it Hoi Hoi Hoi.

Solstice Spiral Walk

To celebrate the solstice, the Reagens hosted a spiral walk in their backyard. It was a beautiful evening and a good time was had by all. Special shout-out to Nate who quickly improvised some candles stands, and mother nature for bringing no wind.