Father’s Day

For Father’s Day today Lucia, Rose and I enjoyed a very hot bike ride to Dairy Queen then did some light grilling on our “new” grill scavenged from our neighbor’s garbage. At least once or twice a summer we do te bike ride to Dairy Queen – about 4 miles each way.


There was an eclipse. We couldn’t travel because of some obligations in town, but we made the most of it. Cracker Barrel came through with some last-minute glasses and we pulled the girls out of school. It was fun.

Father Daughter Mother Dance

Lucia, Rose and I missed the Father Daughter Dance at our church this year, so we hosted our own, at our house, and moms are invited (and brothers).

The Dancers
Elliot hung out in the background most of the evening. And Ruben.

More snow!

It snowed another 8 inches or so and we now have a lot of snow on the ground! The temperature also dropped to super cold, but that didn’t stop the girls from building a cool tunnel/fort in the snow bank on the side of our driveway.