Don’t Wake Daddy

Today I was trying to rest on the couch and Lucia kept taking my hand and making me press the button on “Don’t Wake Daddy.” I don’t think she understands the game.


Susan got out some bubbles today for the kids to play with and they had a great time. Even Lucia was getting in on the action!

High Water

We knew when we bought our new house that our creek would have its share of high water and today we got our first taste of it. There has been a lot of rain over the past 24 hours and the creek has finally spilled over its 8-ft banks. It is only into the corner of our back yard and I have installed a lock on the back gate to make sure that no one accidentally gets too close.

Andrew Mowing

It was a big day for the Liesland lawn today – Andrew mowed the grass for the first time! We have a new lawnmower that is just right for him.

Andrew Mowing the Lawn
Andrew Mowing the Lawn

Tubing in the Creek

There is a fairly large creek behind our house that the kids love to play in. I can’t wait to get some kayaks that we can play around with, but in the meantime we are using a tube that is intended to be used for sledding. I tied a rope to it to prevent it from floating away and the kids had a blast today cooling off and enjoying the water.


One thing that we like about our new house is that it is close to a really big sports field, with plenty of room for plenty of activities. There are also some tennis and basketball courts that the kids enjoy. Tonight we got the entire family out for some tennis and had a good time.

Playing Tennis
Playing Tennis

Exploring the Woods

Today we got out for a walk through the woods behind our house. Andrew had a fun place he had found that he wanted to share with us. The kids had a fun time playing in the sand and throwing rocks in the creek.

Lucia Playing in the Creek
Lucia Playing in the Creek
Family Photo
Family Photo
Mari & Rob, Walking Homea
Mari & Rob, Walking Homea
Lucia, Mari, & Rob Walking Home
Lucia, Mari, & Rob Walking Home