Around the House

1. Last Friday night Lucia was up way too late. She had a good nap in the afternoon and we paid the price as she frolicked around the family room while we tried to stay awake.

2. Rose spends more time on the floor and more time on her belly than any of our kids ever have. She can roll like a pro and recently has learned to pivot on her belly to get what she wants.

Sad Lucia

Lucia was very sad today when her piggy (the norwex towel/stuffed animal) she dries her hands on broke.

categories: CategoriesLucia

Happy 3rd Birthday Lucia!

Today Lucia turned 3! Time really does fly. It was a fun day, complete with afternoon birthday party with the Reagens and the Liesses.

Lucia at 3 continues to be a joy and is very different than our other kids were – though she looks just like Mari did. She is very social and very independent. She has spent a lot of time with our older kids and with the kids in Susan’s program so she thinks she is a lot older than she is. She speaks very well and seems to have a very strong understanding of the world. She is very observant and is not one to shy away from what she wants.

She typically wakes around 7 or 7:30. She shares a bed with Mari so she will sometimes snuggle with Mari before coming downstairs. When she does come down the first thing she wants to do it talk with Rose. She will hug, kiss, and dance with Rose until Rose gets fussy. She loves to spend time outside and to play with her dolls. Lately it seems like she has been taking a doll everywhere. Her favorite food is pizza for sure, but she also likes beans & rice and yogurt. She sometimes takes a nap in the car and goes to bed at the same time as Mari and Elliot at night, 9.

Lu & Her Balance Bike
Lu & Her Balance Bike
Cat Cake!
Cat Cake!
categories: CategoriesLucia

Morning Nap

Lucia Napping

The big kids spent the night at Mimi and Papa’s last night, so I slept in the same bed as Lucia. She woke up a little early and must have been excited to see me because she was ready to go downstairs. At about 8:30 she told me that she ‘forgot to go back to sleep.’ I asked if she wanted her pacifier to rest with, and she said yes. I guess it worked. She ended up sleeping from about 8:45 to 11:00.

Lucia is a Monkey

I took this picture for something else, but when I came across it I decided I had to remember this period in Lucia’s life. She loves to swing like a monkey. She climbs all over our playset and playhouse and loves to climb up and sit on one of the railings on our deck. I try to stop her, but she just insists. One of her favorite things to go is swing from the ‘grab handle’ – I had to look it up –  in our minivan. She insists on swinging every time she gets in and out of the car. It is cute, and impressive, but it makes getting in and out of the car a pain.

Lucia Hanging Upside Down
Lucia Hanging Upside Down
lucia playing in car
Lucia will not get out of the car without doing this first.

Lucia & Books

Lucia has been looking at books more lately on her own. She doesn’t have the patience for reading with us most of the time, but lately I have found her looking through books more frequently. She definitely favors books about animals.

Lucia 'reading' Two Crazy Pigs
Lucia ‘reading’ Two Crazy Pigs