JA Biztown

Today I had the chance go to JA Biztown with Lucias 5th grade class. The kids all assume adult roles in a community, running verious business and being consumers. The kids love it.

Lucia giving her CEO speech, Lucia sitting on the bench made by the Biztown construction crew, Lucia and Liv.

Happy Birthday, Lucia!

This evening we had Lucia’s family birthday party. On Friday she has a sleepover with 8 friends.

Lucia loves dance, reading, talking, playing with friends, school (her teacher).

She enjoys soccer, church, and any art.

She doesn’t really like waking up early.

Mt. Clive

When we walk Ruben in the evenings we like to do a loop around the prairie, at the back of which is a big pile of dirt. We call it Mt. Clive. It is a great place to let Ruben run and view the sunset.

Can you find Lucia and Rose?
The view from the top, on another day.