Taking Mari to College

Over the past few days we moved Mari into college. She moved in Wednesday, we said goodbye on Thursday, then we stayed in Cincinnati for a couple of days sans kids.

Setting up.
Mari and her roommate.
All set.
Susan and Mari
Opening Mass, with Fr. Eric (my friend and college housemate)
Susan and I went kayaking
Susan wanted her picture take with Mr. Redlegs. She is a big Reds fan.
After dinner at Dewey’s we went to Jim and Jack’s for some country music.

Birthday Week

This past week Mari and I celebrated our birthdays, with small parties on our birthdays and a bigger family party on the weekend.

Mari’s birthday dinner at Texas Roadhouse.
Who is inside and who is outside?
My birthday, hanging out around the firepit.
Pool volleyball at the larger family party.


This weekend Susan and Erin took Mari, Cameron, Elliot and Hope up to St. Bens/St. Johns for a college visit.

Riding in the minivan.
Lucia, Rose and I went to the Valley football game.
Susan and Erin were glad to be back.

First Cross Country Meet

Today was the first cross country meet of the season. It was supposed to be last week, but that got canceled because of the heat.

Mari near the start.
Cam, Rose and Lucia
Elliot near the middle.
Cam and Elliot afterward