Colorado Vacation – Day 11

Today we headed in different directions – Mari went to a garden in Denver with Mar-Mar and B-Bob, Susan, Elliot, and Andrew hung out in Boulder with Jill, Holly, Elsie, and Henry, and I, Rob, went for a day-hike with Will and Alex.

Mari enjoyed feeding her pretzels to the fish.
It was so windy at this point that the camera almost got blown off the rock. This was taken on our way up the Flat-Top Mountain trail.

Andrew's Glacier Preview

Will & Rob Slide Down Andrew's Glacier

Will Slides Down Andrew's Glacier

Valentine’s Day Wrap-Up

We looked through our Valentine’s things. We got two hearts and I got a cat thing from school. I got some little things that make animals that swim in water, candy, and some books.

For dinner, we went to a restaurant, and I ate noodles.