Pool Platform

We opened our pool a few weeks ago and just recently added this new platform for easier access. it is built from the playhouse on our swingset, and revamped.

categories: Categoriespool

Pool Closing

Today we closed the pool. It was sad to see it go, but the temps are dropping and so are the leaves. It was warm enough to swim one last time today and then we got to work draining some water and putting the cover on. We will disconnect the plumbing and such over the next few days.

The bulge in the middle is a pool pillow, designed to absorb some of the ice pressure.
categories: Categoriespool

August 2021

July 2021

June Middles

Susan staining the deck. Now that the pool is done we are working on improving our deck.
Hilli, Lucia, and Rose swimming
Lucia, Susan and Rose swimming

The rest of May

I have been woefully behind on the blog. I decided that to catch up I would just do a few posts that cover entire months. Here comes May. . .

Filling the pool with a sand foundation.
Spreading the sand
Susan, Mary, and Erin
Working on the liner
Working on the liner
Ian was the first one in the pool
Rose, Ian, and Lucia
Hope and Mari reffing
Going away party for our neighbor Vi
Generic pool shot
Lucia playing socer
Lucia’s Soccer Team
Rose’s Soccer Team
Elliot after band concert
Dew Tour
Rob Axe Throwing with Friends
Susan and Rob on anniversary date

Pool Sand and Wall

Today we made some major progress on the pool. The sand was delivered and moved to the pool area. Then, this evening we had some friends and family over to help us put up the pool wall.

Dirt Dumpster

This morning we had the dirt dumpster delivered for our pool and by the end of the evening we had our first few wheelbarrows loaded.

categories: Categoriespool

Pool Fence

Over this long Easter weekend we replaced our back fence, to be up to code for the pool. Our whole family and the Reagen kids came over to help with all the work that needed to be done.

Andrew and I used this two-man auger to dig the post holes. It would have been fairly straightforward, except we were working right next to the hedge, so that meant weird angles and roots.
Set posts
Putting up the last picket
Finished product, footprint from the old pool, yellow tape is the approximation of the new pool.