Halloween 2021

Susan dressed up as Moira from Schitt’s Creek and won her office costume contest.
Andrew and his friend Jackson went as characters from The Outsiders.
FairyLucia and Rose went as Dorothy and the Sugarplum Fairy


Today was RACE Day at Lucia and Rose’s school. RACE stands for Race Around Crossroads park Elementary. Lucia ran about 2.5 miles and Rose ran about a mile, with Susan and I joining in. Both girls ran well and had a lot of fun.

Racing with Lucia
Post-race with Rose. She ran very fast in her race and it was hard to get a picture along the way.

August 2021

July 2021

Happy Birthday, Rose!

Today we celebrated Rose’s 6th birthday. Attendees included Mimi & Papa, Mar-Mar & Be-Bob, the Reagens, and Elsie and Abbot. Rose had a piñata, pin the tail on the something, cake, and plenty of presents.

Pin the tail on something
Singing Happy Birthday

Rose is a real sweetie. She loves hugs, kisses, and snuggling. She and Lucia still share a bed and spend 99% of their day together. She is inquisitive and good at putting 2 and 2 together. She loves to swim, play sports, dance, play with her toys, and play outside.

Her day usually starts around 7:30 or 8 when she and Lucia wake up. She likes to eat 1/2 a bagel for breakfast, either with cream cheese or butter. Then it is time to play. She was homeschooled this past year and mostly focused on number and letter facts and some light reading. For lunch she likes chicken nuggets, macaroni and cheese, and grilled cheese. She is getting better at swimming, but still uses her puddle jumper much of the time when she is in the pool. She can’t touch yet – but she is close. She likes to join us on walks, sometimes walking and sometimes on her scooter. She and Lucia usually go to bed at around 9:30.

The rest of May

I have been woefully behind on the blog. I decided that to catch up I would just do a few posts that cover entire months. Here comes May. . .

Filling the pool with a sand foundation.
Spreading the sand
Susan, Mary, and Erin
Working on the liner
Working on the liner
Ian was the first one in the pool
Rose, Ian, and Lucia
Hope and Mari reffing
Going away party for our neighbor Vi
Generic pool shot
Lucia playing socer
Lucia’s Soccer Team
Rose’s Soccer Team
Elliot after band concert
Dew Tour
Rob Axe Throwing with Friends
Susan and Rob on anniversary date