The rest of May
I have been woefully behind on the blog. I decided that to catch up I would just do a few posts that cover entire months. Here comes May. . .
Rose’s Soccer
Rose is playing soccer for the first time this year, on a U6 team. She is having a lot of fun on and off the field.
Mari’s First Soccer Game
Mari is playing soccer for Valley this year. Here is a picture from her first game, at Waukee Stadium
Elliot’s First Track Meet
Elliot’s first track meet of the year, in Indianola. I think he ran the 800.
Andrew First Track Meet of the Year
Mari’s Soccer Team
Elliot’s Soccer Team
Elliot Running
Cross Country Runners
They are never all running in the same meet this year, so we had to get a picture or Andrew, Mari, and Elliot before they left the house on meet day.
Colorado Trip
My uncle Tom, who lives in Colorado Springs, has not been doing well. His mental and physical health have been declining and I had the opportunity to go visit with him for a few days at the end of last week. Susan stayed home on kid duty and I spent my days visiting with Tom, making time for a hike each day.
First Cross Country Race
Today was the first Cross Country race for Andrew and Mari. Cross Country and Soccer have been lifesavers during the pandemic because they are all outside and it gives the kids a chance to exercise and see their friends. Mari, Andrew, and Elliot are all running this year. Elliot’s first meet isn’t for a couple of weeks.