A few more pics from the Donley visit.
Living History Farms
Today we went to Living History Farms with the Donleys and some of the Reagens.
Mar-Mar and Be-Bob Visit
Mar-Mar and Be-Bob came to visit this weekend for a few soccer games, the girls’ dance recitals, and Andrew’s final orchestra concert.
Mar-Mar & BeBob Visit
Donley Visit
Gelato at Stam Couch Potatoes Machine Shed Machine Shed Wagon Ride State Fair Alex milking a cow.
Visit from Aunt Nancy
My Aunt Nancy, who lives in Indianapolis, stopped by for lunch today. She was visiting my cousin in Kansas City and made the drive up to Des Moines. We had a nice lunch and she took a few minutes afterward to play on the trampoline with Rose.
Mar-Mar & Be-Bob Visit
Mar-Mar & Be-Bob came to visit this weekend. They made it in time for one of Andrew’s track meets and some soccer games this weekend. On Friday I took the day off and we went to Pella Tulip Time with Lucia and Rose.
Friend Visit
A couple of Susan’s friends from college came to visit the for a couple of days. Jen Valorose and her boys came down from Minneapolis and Sarah Olson-Smith came with her kids, from Davenport. They all spent the night Thursday. On Friday morning we went to the science center and then the ladies went out for dinner that night.