Andrew has been taking piano lessons this fall and he loves it!
Thanksgiving 2012
The kids have been spending a lot of time at the table lately, coming up with all sorts of things.
2012 Living History Farms Races
The 2012 Living History Farms race was today. The kids ran in the morning and I did the bike ride in the afternoon.
Mari’s Story
Mari told us a lovely story before bedtime last night.
One Month
Today is Lucia’s one month birthday. She spent the day sleeping and nursing, which is how she spends every day. She was awake for a few minutes this morning and Susan took the opportunity to take some pictures.
Lucia’s First Bath
Lucia had her first bath today. She did not love it.
Hyland Cousins
My whole family came out to visit this weekend and we took the opportunity to get a picture with all of the cousins.
Beggars’ Night 2012
Another year, another Beggars’ Night. We had good weather this year and the kids and I had a fun time walking around, telling jokes, saying ‘hi’ to friends, and getting candy. Susan and Lucia stayed home to pass out candy to the kids who came to out house.
1 Week
Lucia turns one week today. We celebrated by doing the same thing we have done every day for the last week. I did work today and Susan and Lucia were able to take advantage of the warm weather and spend some time out outside.
Day 7
Lucia and Susan made it out of the house for the first time today! We went for a walk around the block and then spent some time outside.
Day 6
Lucia is sticking to her consistent, inconsistent schedule. She likes to nurse for a couple of hours at a time and then sleep for a while. Sometimes she is awake for short periods, but usually not very long.