The Lieslands

simply livin' it up

One Down

Wow, that was a busy day. Yesterday was pretty crazy. Hopefully we will start to find a rhythm and things will begin to stabilize, but I think that could take a while.

I am going to try to get some pics up today or tonight. Wish me luck!

Later. . .

Introducing. . . .

Elliot John Liesland

Born February 20, 2007 5:29AM

After a few days of light labor and a few hours of heavy labor, Elliot was born in our dining room (on purpose) in the wee hours of the morning. Andrew was there for the birth and Mari came down right afterward. Everyone is doing well.

More photos and details will be posted soon.

-Susan, Rob, Andrew & Mari

Note: I am tired. I hope I got all the details correct.

Valentine’s Surprises

1. I didn’t have to work (for the second straight day).

2. Mari was up at four in the morning throwing up. It was only the second time in her life.

After a fun couple days off, I am back to the daily grind (sort of). I am about to head home so that Susan & Andrew can go see our midwife and I can take care of our ailing daughter.

Later. . .

Rain Day

I got to spend some quality time with the fam today thanks to some winter rains. It actually started last night as snow and then it rained all day today. With the temps expected to drop soon, there could be a lot of ice around these parts tomorrow. Here are a couple videos from the day:

Andrew & Mari Making Muffins
If you can’t see the video, Click Here.

Andrew Reading to Mari
If you can’t see the video, Click Here.

A lot of people are wondering if there is any activity with the baby: no.

A lot of people have also been wondering if there is any activity on the house: no.

Believe me, something will be posted here when something happens (even though I think that I am the only person who reads this (and my friend Mark)).

We’ll keep you updated. . .

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Andrew and I finally got out for some real sledding fun this past weekend. We went to the park where we had our wedding reception and found some medium-sized hills. He was a little too scared to go down by himself, so I had to go down with him. This was fine with me since I loved sled-riding. After going down the hill a few times we went for a nice winter hike. It was pretty fun because whenever he was tired he could just ride in the sled and I would pull him. His favorite parts of the hike were walking on the frozen creek and eating some snow. The hike brought back some great memories of sled-riding in the woods behind my parents.

Snow Day

. . . well, sort of. I got to leave work early today. I left around two and got home around three. I did fair better than my sister, Holly, who left work at 2:30 and when I spoke with her at six she was still not home and traffic was not moving.

The kids are in bed, the snow has stopped, and I got most of the concrete cleaned off outside. We all got to spend some good quality time together today, playing, reading, relaxing, and topping the day off by making some cookies.

Now, for a couple hours of relaxing. . .

Quick Hits

  • I put some new pics up.
  • We got the birth tub, and we have all the supplies. All we need now is a baby.
  • I have a new cubicle at work.

What I’m Reading

Ever wonder what I am reading while you are reading our blog? Check out the newly added section to the right to see what blogs/websites I check frequently. I actually use a feed-reader ( which checks all these sights for me and let’s me know if they have added anything to their blog. I highly recommend it. Let the websites come to you!

Trying to Sleep

Andrew & Mari Sleeping

Last night was our first attempt to get Andrew and Mari to share a bed. In the past they have always been at opposite sides of our bed. They stayed together until 2am last night, when I had to bring Mari up into our bed. By that time, they had switched positions and Mari was in Andrew’s bed. No one was injured, which made me happy.

Snow, Finally

We finally got some snow, which Andrew has been waiting a while for. He has wanted to go sled-riding for a while now. Last year this would never have happened because he hated the cold. This year we managed to be out for about half-an-hour.

If you can’t see the video, Click Here.

I am going to add some more pics from the rest of our journey to the picture section of our website.

We had an interesting weekend. Susan and I managed to get out on a date thanks to Simon and Rachel. They offered to watch the kids Saturday afternoon, so Susan and I took advantage and had some time alone.

Thanks to the snow, Sunday was spent mostly at home, cleaning, watching some football, and trying to keep the kids sane. We think that they are still a little sick, because something is not right.

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Water update

I put the new element in the hot water heater, only to find out that it still wasn’t working. I did some research and figured out that it was working, I just didn’t know. Electric water heaters have two elements, but only one of them is on at a time. Who knew? Anyways, it turned out to be a very easy fix.

Andrew slept in a diaper last night and it was nice going to bed knowing that he wasn’t going to pee on me. Instead, he woke us up at 3am because he needed to pee. This was a good thing. He won’t tell us during the day when he needs to pee, so I figure any type of telling is good at this point. I took him downstairs and he peed. I thought it was time to go back to bed, but I was mistaken. He was not excited to have to lie down on the couch to get his diaper and PJ’s back on, and there was some crying. This gave his cough some ammunition. So much in fact, that he had some mini-vomiting. Nothing major, but we ended up being awake for about an hour and a half. Mari slept through the whole ordeal, which was nice.

Hopefully tonight will be much more relaxing than last night.


I am trying to fix our water heater. Tonight I am going to put in a new element.

We have also been sleeping hot water lately, as Andrew’s bladder has suddenly stopped working. I think that the use of straws has caused an increase in liquid consumption, which no one was quite ready for.

I put up some new pics in the 2006 photo section. I also added a 2007 photo section, since it is now 2007.

We are all tired. I think that this last month of Susan’s pregnancy is going to be a challenge for all of us, but I think that in the end we will all come out stronger. The dynamic will change when #3 comes, and I think right now everything is up in the air for a reason.

We made some cool pre/postnatal purchases in preparation for #3. We bought a Prenatal Cradle, a Bella Band, and a Moby Wrap. It is always fun to get some new gear. In college we used to make fun of our friend Jeff because it seemed like he was always buying a new coat. I feel like we are always getting some new type of baby moving device, whether it be a wrap, sling, carrier, or stroller.

Our birth kit, which contains all of the sterile/medical type things that we will need for our homebirth came yesterday. It was interesting to see what was in there, though it is not quite as interesting as the list of things that we need to purchase.

That’s all for now.