The Lieslands

simply livin' it up

We’re Famous – Clive Living Magazine

A few weeks ago Elliot and I were interviewed for an article in Clive Living magazine. I thought we were going to be part of a larger article, but when Susan pulled the magazine out of the mailbox Susan said, “Rob, have you seen this?”

“I literally wake up every day and dread grating cheese.” – Mari

Lamenting the woes of her difficult kitchen life.

Weekend Wrap-Up

Lucia’s Dance Recital Dress Rehearsal
Happy Hour with Mary Connor
Cheering on Cam at the state track meet
Cam finishing the 800
Swim Break
Rose’s Last Soccer Game of the Season
Happy Birthday, Erin!
Lu after her dance recital

Luke’s College Graduation

Andrew accompanied the Reagens to Luke’s college graduation party in Lawrence. Congrats, Luke!

Mari’s Senior Prom

Northern Lights

We received word late tonight that the Northern Lights were visible in Des Moines. The whole family quickly hit the road and drove to a golf course outside of town. We’ve done this before and failed. Tonight was a major success. The pictures are way more amazing than the live experience, but the live experience was still very cool.

From the car.
At the golf course.
Most realistic.

End of the year fun

Our kids love yearbooks.
I picked Andrew up from college.
Ruben jumped off a slide.
Rose was the first one in the pool.

Lucia’s Band Concert

Lucia played clarinet in the band this year. It is Nate’s clarinet from the 80’s and Ian played it as well in high school.


Lucia dancing on stage at HopeKids

This past year Lucia and Rose attended HopeKids Sunday school at our church. They thought it was OK and probably better than going to church every Sunday. Susan and I volunteered once per month as leaders.

Weekend Happenings

Mari and Susan went on a college visit at St. Edwards in Austin.
Lucia, Rose, and I went to see Mean Girls at Waukee Northwest.

Lucia Choir Concert


There was an eclipse. We couldn’t travel because of some obligations in town, but we made the most of it. Cracker Barrel came through with some last-minute glasses and we pulled the girls out of school. It was fun.