The Lieslands

simply livin' it up

Weekend Hikes

This weekend we got out for two hikes, to enjoy the nice weather. On Friday evening we went for our monthly hike with the Prairie Grass Guild. On Sunday we went with the Reagens to Brown’s Woods.


Happy 3rd Birthday Lucia!

Today Lucia turned 3! Time really does fly. It was a fun day, complete with afternoon birthday party with the Reagens and the Liesses.

Lucia at 3 continues to be a joy and is very different than our other kids were – though she looks just like Mari did. She is very social and very independent. She has spent a lot of time with our older kids and with the kids in Susan’s program so she thinks she is a lot older than she is. She speaks very well and seems to have a very strong understanding of the world. She is very observant and is not one to shy away from what she wants.

She typically wakes around 7 or 7:30. She shares a bed with Mari so she will sometimes snuggle with Mari before coming downstairs. When she does come down the first thing she wants to do it talk with Rose. She will hug, kiss, and dance with Rose until Rose gets fussy. She loves to spend time outside and to play with her dolls. Lately it seems like she has been taking a doll everywhere. Her favorite food is pizza for sure, but she also likes beans & rice and yogurt. She sometimes takes a nap in the car and goes to bed at the same time as Mari and Elliot at night, 9.

Lu & Her Balance Bike
Lu & Her Balance Bike
Cat Cake!
Cat Cake!
categories: CategoriesLucia

Rose’s Baptism

With Mar-Mar and Be-Bob in town it worked out to have Rose’s baptism today. Megan and Mike Thibodeau are his godparents. She was baptized by Deacon Jim after 4:30 Mass. She cooperated well.

Andrew’s 12th Birthday

Today we celebrated Andrew’s 12th birthday! The oldest of our kids, it is almost the hardest to believe how old he is. I imagine that could change as Rose gets older.

Mar-Mar and Be-Bob made it to town this weekend to catch some soccer games, celebrate some birthdays, and we also managed to squeeze in Rose’s baptism. Overall if was a very busy, fun weekend.

Andrew at 12 continues to love life. He has had a new friend, Will, move in down the street and they have been having a lot of fun together. For his birthday he also received a hatchet and an archery set and he has been enjoying taking advantage of the outdoors. His typical day has him waking around 8 (usually with my help). He reads, stumbles around, eats breakfast, and gets ready for the day. He does a good job with his school work, attacking anything I can put in front of him. He still enjoys Harry Potter, Rick Riordan, and many graphic novels and comics. This fall he is playing on a Northwest Soccer team again and he is loving it (all the kids are, in fact). He is on the same team as Ian, with his old coach, Drew. He still tends to stay up late, going to bed later than me and Susan with some frequency.

Favorite Song: Bohemian Rhapsody
Favorite Color: Orange
Favorite Food: Skyline
Favorite Band: ColdPlay
Favorite Book: Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows


Rose at 4 months (and Lucia at almost 3 years)


Wills Family Orchard

Yesterday we hit Wills Family Orchard in Adel. We have gone for the past few years and we always enjoy. Yesterday we had the good fortune of running into the Browns and Mary Smith & family. The kids also had the good fortune of picking some large pumpkin.


Around the House

Mari & Rose
Mari & Rose
Rose Needs Glasses
Rose Needs Glasses

Cincinnati Visit

Susan’s Des Moines Birthday

Must be quite the song!
Must be quite the song!


Lucia’s Faces

First Day of School

Today was the kids’ official first day of school. They did have their WDM enrichment classes yesterday.


Weekend Wrap-Up