The Lieslands

simply livin' it up

11 Year Anniversary

Yesterday Susan and I celebrated 11 years of marriage! It has hard to believe that it has been that long. The past 11 years really have gone by in a blur.

We got out for a nice date last weekend, so for our anniversary date we went out for dinner with the kids, bought a new bathroom faucet, and then headed to Over the Top, our favorite ice cream shop. Using a fake promotion I put together (which also caused much confusion in the shop) they served us the Liesland Special, with 11 scoops of ice cream in one dish.

After Dinner
After Dinner
The Liesland Special
The Liesland Special

Jasper Winery

This evening we hit the Jasper Winery Summer Concert Series, with the Reagens (of course). The kids had a blast dancing up front!

The Lawn
The Lawn
Ian, Nate, Hope, Lucia, Susan, Mari
Ian, Nate, Hope, Lucia, Susan, Mari

Susan at 40.3 Weeks

This afternoon we had our regularly scheduled midwife appointment. Most of the preparation is behind us now and Susan is in good shape, so the appointments are pretty quick. We usually go through some basic stuff, check on how Susan is feeling, look at some vitals, and then head home.

Looking for the Heartbeat
Looking for the Heartbeat


Mari Singing

Baby Pool

One of the items that we discussed at our family meeting tonight is a baby pool for some of the details of #5. The winner, determined by #5, Susan, and I, gets their own Over the Top the first time we go after the baby is born.

Baby Pool
Baby Pool
The Hyland Clan Pool
The Hyland Clan Pool
The Liess Clan Pool
The Liess Clan Pool

Family Meeting

This evening we had a family meeting. Things have been a little tense lately and we wanted to talk about some things we have been seeing and how we can get things moving in a more positive direction. Our meeting lasted for about 45 minutes. The theme for our new family action plan is ‘Only Love Here.’ We’ll see how it goes!

Meeting Notes
Meeting Notes

Lucia is a Monkey

I took this picture for something else, but when I came across it I decided I had to remember this period in Lucia’s life. She loves to swing like a monkey. She climbs all over our playset and playhouse and loves to climb up and sit on one of the railings on our deck. I try to stop her, but she just insists. One of her favorite things to go is swing from the ‘grab handle’ – I had to look it up –  in our minivan. She insists on swinging every time she gets in and out of the car. It is cute, and impressive, but it makes getting in and out of the car a pain.

Lucia Hanging Upside Down
Lucia Hanging Upside Down
lucia playing in car
Lucia will not get out of the car without doing this first.

Happy Mother’s Day

Today we celebrated Mother’s Day in style, as we always do. It was a nice, relaxing day. Susan met her mother and sister at Panera and then she was home for some planting, napping, and eating. The kids made some great cards this year and we made a chocolate treat from a chocolate cookbook that we have.

May Faire

Elliot’s First Communion
