First Snow

Rose loves the snow!

We had our first significant snowfall last weekend – just enough that we had to shovel, could sled, and could make snowmen. Rose loved being out in the snow and just needs to figure out how to function while wearing mittens.

Single Track

This afternoon Andrew, Mari, Elliot and I went for our first and last single track bikeride of the year. It was a beautiful afternoon and the kids did a great job carving up the trails. I imagine it has been a few years since we have been out there and it felt good.

The kids after the first run.
The kids after the first run.
The kids at the finish line
The kids at the finish line, 5 years ago.

Our Pumpkin Paradise

This afternoon, with Mar-Mar & Be-Bob in town, we visited Our Pumpkin Paradise. It is the kids’ favorite pumpkin patch in town, with many activities including ‘The Box’. The kids always have fun picking out their pumpkins and playing in the corn.

Glow Wild


This evening we attended Glow Wild, a fun outdoor event sponsored by the county conservation office. The turn-out was massive, and way more than they were ready for. After some initial disappointment with the long lines, the evening ended with an awesome bonfire and dancing.

Evening Walk

With the nice weather and younger kids, we have been going on many evening walks this summer after dinner. It is a nice way to get outside. The older kids usually come, Lu walks and rides in the stroller, and Rose likes to ride in the stroller. It seems like we took some time off from this former habit, with our younger kids are again at the sweet-spot for this endeavor.

The kids, & Reagens, playing in the field.
Susan and the little girls.

Greenwood Pond


When we lived at the old house the kids and I used to spend a lot of time at Greenwood Park. Since moving we have only been there a couple of times and Lu has barely been there at all, that she can remember. Today the older kids were at the Reagens’ so Lu, Rose, and I dropped Susan off at yoga and then headed to Greenwood for a short walk. The highlight was the observation box, an in-pond concrete box that you walk down into to be at pond level. It had not been well-maintained and was always full of water when we have been there in the past. It was fun to finally be able to use it.


This evening was supposed to be our monthly Prairie Grass Guild hike, but, since it was going to be a small crowd, Jen invited us out to their new acreage outside of Earlham. It was fun to see their new place.


First Ones in the Pool!

Two years running, the Liesland kids were the first in the pool at the Clive Aquatic Center! This year it was a cool 70 degrees, but the water was nice and everyone had a good time, for about an hour. We’ll be going back tomorrow!






The dandelions were starting to take over our yard, so we took some action. The kids, mostly, worked hard for a couple of days to pick over around 1,000 dandelions from our front yard. When the work was done we celebrated with a trip to Culver’s.