Happy Birthday, Susan!

I swear we had a birthday party for Susan this year, but I didn’t take any pictures of the cake. We had people over on a Sunday evening. I was out of town in the morning and Susan and the girls went on a special picnic breakfast with Erin and Hope.

Susan’s First Day of School

19 years(?) after she finished her Master’s degree at Xavier, Susan is headed back to school! She is going to take a few additional classes at Drake to tag on to her existing Master’s so she can become a license mental health counselor. It should take a little longer than a year for the school portion. Go Susan!

Lunch with Annie

Susan had coffee with a friend from grade school and high school this morning, which is also a good chance to dig up some photos from the past.

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This Week

Susan and her sisters went to California.
We closed the pool for the season.
Susan and her sisters visited Uncle Ron


This weekend Susan and Erin took Mari, Cameron, Elliot and Hope up to St. Bens/St. Johns for a college visit.

Riding in the minivan.
Lucia, Rose and I went to the Valley football game.
Susan and Erin were glad to be back.